Wednesday, February 15

*learning and leading

The JROTC Vision:
Providing a quality citizenship, character, and leadership development program, while fostering partnerships with communities and educational institutions.

Why Join Army Junior ROTC:

To appreciate the ethical values and principles that underlie good citizenship.

To develop leadership potential, while living and working cooperatively with others.

To be able to think logically and to communicate effectively with others, both orally and in writing.

To appreciate the importance of physical fitness in maintaining good health.

To understand the importance of high school graduation for a successful future, and learn about college and other advanced educational and employment opportunities.

To develop mental management abilities.

To become familiar with military history as it relates to America's culture, and understand the history, purpose, and structure of military services.

To develop the skills necessary to work effectively as a member of a team.

JROTC is a great program that helps students rise to their leadership abilities. I have watched Henry really grow in leadership since he has been a part of this organization.  Most of the students in the program do not plan to enroll in the Armed Forces, but are very active in the program and learning about leadership, citizenship, logical thinking and much more.  The students get opportunities to compete in drill, flags, and other levels as well.  

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