Sunday, January 31

*yep, we got a tidbit of snow



 ... it wasn't yellow



 Snow fell lightly through the night on Friday.  When we woke on Saturday, we were surrounded by white beauty for the most part.  While this snow does not compare to January 2009's snow, we are still grateful! By the time evening came the temps continued to drop and somehow in the mix of it all, the snow became ice capped.  Sunday would for sure be a great day for sledding on the icy hill.  These are a few of the pics from our 2010 Snow Adventure.   It is later in the  afternoon as I post this, and sadly the rest of the iced hill is now turning to slush.  At times like this I wish we had a teleporter of some sort, so I could get our southeast Georgia bound niece and nephews here for the fun too!

Thought you all might like to go along for the ride.  Just so you know... I hate roller coasters.. and I sorta felt like I was on a roller coaster.  Henry and I were on the sled together, it really was fun.   These sleds are from Eric and his brother, Tim's childhood.  We have really gotten some use out of them over the years.  Henry loves to listen to this video over and over again.. he says my squeals are too funny. Glad I could humor him.

Saturday, January 30

*snow on the ground, snow on the ground...

Snow on the ground, snow on the ground, looking all white and pretty with the snow on the ground.  OK, so I watch American Idol, can you tell?


It looks like this outside....


So I am doing this. Fact is, if it didn't look like that outside  I would still be sewing today!


Friday, January 29

*just a pinch of cute!





I first saw these on a how to site, bookmarked it, then saw it on a fellow bloggers site.  When I realized I had all the items needed to make these, except for the jewelry findings, I was delighted!  I have cheated and taken the easy way to this project!  Caroline, however has put a different level of craft into each of her pendants. Please check out Caroline's Etsy shop Stand In The Sun.  You can also view her blog at Standing in the Sunlight.

Tuesday, January 26

*look what showed up

Today as I walked to the mail box, I was met with a surprise!  A while back I made a post on this great quilting magazine, McCall's Quilting and some how, I am now receiving it in my mail box.  Thanks to the mystery sender for this sweet gift.    So over a cup of hot tea and a muffin, I am enjoying the read and spying out patterns that will surely keep me busy for months to come or at least until the next issue arrives.    THANKS, to whom ever you are!

Sunday, January 24

*lame for sure...but invited to the King's Table!

As you will notice, I have changed the name of my blog, but my url remains the same at this time.  When I started blogging I named the blog: Lame In Both Feet, well simply because I am sinful, broken, deserving of nothing but because of my Lord and Saviour, He gained me a place at the King's table.

My blog title has been based on 2 Samuel 9.  David's grace to Mephibosheth is a wonderful picture of God's grace to us.  We are Mephibosheth.

  • We are hiding, weak, lame, fearful before our King comes to us.
  • We have separated ourselves from the King because we did not  know him or His love for us.
  • Our King sought us out before we sought Him.
  • The King's kindness is based on covenant.
  • The King's kindness is extended to us for the sake of another.
  • We must receive the King's kindness in humility.
  • The King returns to us what we lost in hiding from Him, even on an increase it is returned.
  • We have the privilege of provision at the King's table.
  • We are received as sons at the King's table, with access to the King and a close fellowship with Him
  • The King's honor does not immediately take away all our weakness and lameness, but it gives us favor and standing that overcomes its sting and changes the way we think about ourselves.

Thanks for following my blog.  I really like the new blog title, Invited to the King's Table. 

Saturday, January 23

*piK-n-pig & junking

Happy Saturday to you!  Since Eric was out of town this weekend Henry and I decided to hit the road to do some antiquing.  We mapped out our stops, plugged them into the GPS and hit the road.  (Me and the GPS have a love/hate relationship)  We stopped at Salvation Army stores, many thrift stores, and quite a few antique shops as well.  I did see ONE piece of furniture that I would have loved to bring home with us, but it wasn't for sale - go figure.  Henry laid his eyes on quite a few things he really wanted but quickly adverted his attention once he found the price was in the hundreds or thousands.  The only purchase made today at the stores was made by Henry.  He bought some LP's.  He is now looking for a reasonably priced record player.  I find that some what humorous, since he owns an iPod.  However, he is not far from the apple tree, he loves old things - like his mother.

Our lunch destination really dictated where we would do our shopping stops today.  We have eaten at PiK-N-Pig (<---Click here for more info)  once before when we were junking.  It was an impressionable stop and we vowed to go again at some point.  So we did.

This quaint little BBQ spot has three generations of love, sweat and tears poured into the barbecue business.  The place was hopping busy when we were there before and today as well.  When you walk in you feel like you are home again.  The Restaurant is located on the Gilliam McConnell Airfield  in Carthage, NC.     The delicious pork is cooked over hickory and other natural hardwood charcoals. Oh my, my mouth is watering just thinking about it all over again!   In addition to the pork, you can finish up your meal with a home made dessert (Coke Cola Cake, Banana Pudding, Coconut Pie, Sweet Potatoe pie and more).   If you live in short traveling distance of Carthage, we highly recommend the drive to PiK-N-Pig.  You all will enjoy the food, the service can't be beat and the kids (and adults) will love the air strip.



You will not be impressed with the fine dining tables or chairs or for that matter the decor.  The good thing about this is, that is not their focus. They have perfected their focus - BBQ!  It comes to you unadulterated.  Just the way I like it.  Sauces are on your table, you can fix it up if you choose.

Thursday, January 21

*there's a reason

There is a reason they call it Pottery Highway.  NC State Hwy 705, aka Pottery Highway, runs through the states famed area for the beautiful pottery that is crafted all along the way.  On your drive you will see some beautiful countryside, farm animals, *barns,  and signs pointing you to area potters.

Posted signs pointing you to the potters at this cross road.

and more at this cross road..

...and another.  And so the story goes.  You could literally spend the whole day visiting the different potters.  Once in a while you will come up on one that will give you some history of their family of potters and such.  These of course, are just a few of the different cross roads on Pottery Highway.

But my favorite of all, is Nichols Pottery.  Nichols is located right off of 705 and you do not want to go into Seagrove without stopping in nor do you want to leave without stopping back by.    My sweet husband started buying pottery for me years ago when he worked with the Robin Sage training which required him to be up in the Moore County and Randolph County areas several times a year. 

This whimsical tumbler was made by Raven Pottery.
I found this one at a gallery which has many different potters wares on display and available to make your own! She (Raven Pottery) had some really awesome creatures as well, but I am more into practical pottery.

Other than the tumbler, the rest of this beautiful pottery came from Nichols.
Nichols has a screened porch that has shelves around the parameter which holds some of their pottery that didn't meet the quality mark and is then discounted for people like me who don't care that the glaze isn't perfect. The old house has 6 flowing rooms full of the pottery, mostly practical but some decorative pieces as well.  They make a quality piece of pottery and have several color schemes they have used for years.  If you choose to have matching pottery, adding to it will be easy. 


These pieces are solid. Heavy. Beautiful.
We are not gentle people, we need heavy pottery.



The grey and blue mug is from a previous trip to Seagrove (and a Nichols Pottery piece), but I got this awesome crock from a antique shop in downtown Fayetteville for only $12! On this very same day I saw one, well several actually in Cameron North Carolina for at least triple this price.  While I wanted a crock for my kitchen utensils, I could not warrant paying $30 to $40 for an old crock.

On my birthday, I was gifted with cash from a number of my dear friends for the express purpose of taking a trip to Seagrove to select pottery that would travel with us to Florida as a tangible reminder of their love for years to come.   So with that, a great big thank you goes out to Robyn, Wendie, Leota, Ila, Donna, Ann, Jolene and Jodie!

Tuesday, January 19

*just a request...

Brown Bear, Brown Bear what do you see.. a brown barn looking back at me

an (elaborate) red barn looking back at me

another red barn looking back at me.

I want a barn. 
Today on my drive over the river and through the woods to Seagrove I saw a great number of barns.  These were the three in which I was allowed the liberty to almost stop in the middle of the country road to snap the picture because nothing was moving for as far as my eye could see. (I did pull off the road.)

  When our family arrives can you makes sure there is a barn on our property?

PS.  A cow or two would be nice too!

Sunday, January 17

*cranberry orange muffins fresh from the oven..

Oh my!   Do you ever find yourself wanting to bake something, but you don't know what? I was pillaging through my recipe basket yesterday trying to find something that appealed to my baking urges.   I was going to bake the pumpkin muffins that I usually bake in the fall but I wasn't hasty about my choice.  I lingered in the basket a little longer and alas.. I came up with a great idea.  I decided to modify a  basic muffin recipe that I have, just a bit.  It was a huge success!   Here... let me tease you with pictures. I wish we had smella-Mac or tastea-Mac (or for those of you with PC's - smella-PC).  If you were in town, I would invite you over for coffee or a cup of hot tea and a delicious Cranberry Orange Muffin!

Here is the recipe:
Cranberry Orange Muffins
2 1/4 cups flour (fresh milled soft white/hard white mix)
1 tsp salt
1 tsp baking soda
1 cup buttermilk
2 eggs
1/2 cup light tasting olive oil
1/2 cup honey (or sugar)
zest of a large navel orange or several med oranges
3/4 or more Ocean Spray dried cranberries

Mix dry ingredients, add wet ingredients, mix well. Pour into muffin pan. Bake at 400 degree for 15 minutes.  Don't delay, eat right away!

Saturday, January 16

*stitching some love

Instead of quilting today, as I had originally planned, I decided to get some of my Valentine cards finished.  I made some of these last year for Valentines as well and decided to make them again this year.  The scraps from my quilting projects come in very handy with small fabric projects like these.  If you are interested in making these you can google quilted fabric post cards.   These are rewarding and fun to make.  You can create a very personalized piece of artwork (post card) for your friends and loved ones.  I have already addressed these cards so you will notice that I had to blur the addresses in order to maintain privacy.

On the back I just used a lighter color so the address would show up nicely.

This is the front and back before I bonded them together. 

Five down... more to go..

This one is pretty texture rich.  

For a cat lover in my life...

I love this one. This one of course is for someone in my life who is a fan of owls. I hope all those getting these will enjoy them and may it bring a bit of joy and whimsy to their day!