160 days frost free needed for growth.
I am not a cotton farmer, I do not know anything at all really about this important crop or how to properly grow it. What I do know is my dear friend, Jen, gave me some seeds to plant for fun and plant we did. We have watched these beautiful deep green plants grown and bloom for months now. The bolls on the plants have been waiting for the right moment to show the beauty that lies within! Just this past week the bolls started opening to show forth the beautiful white cotton.
Are you raising young children? Are you home educating your children? Or are you just curious like I was about the cotton plants stages of growth? Either way, I have numerous seeds that I would like to share with some of you. If you are interested in a few seeds please leave me a comment below and I will get in contact with you. Here is a great link for educators about the cotton crop.
I am going to allow the cotton to dry out nicely and use it as part of our decor somewhere in our home. I will use some of the nicely opened bolls to make some cotton angels and other crafts.
This is the last crop in our summer garden spot. This week the area will be tilled for the fall crops! We will be planting broccoli, cabbage, beets, onions, late corn, some more tomatoes, and more. Are you planting a fall garden? If so, what are you planning to plant?
We farm and grow cotton. It is an absolutely beautiful crop to watch grow. I have always wanted to plant an ornamental bed of cotton in the yard like a flower garden. Enjoyed this post.