Tuesday, January 17

*chick-inn news at Erilyn

These belong to Husan. I cannot express how thankful I am that these belong to Husan and not Mr. Baggins. 

Isn't Husan a beautiful rooster?  We have not really had any problems with our roosters as far as the hens are concerned, or even amongst the two of them - no problems.  Husan has never even shown any kind of aggression towards anyone. Mr. Baggins on the other hand is a different story.

Mr. Baggins to the left here, and one of our fine hens, Lucy to the right. I have to admit, I love taking pictures of our flock.  They love to come around me when I am sitting on the ground in the barn yard, because often I have some treats in tow that I feed them from my hands.  Just today Mr. Baggins tried to spur me on several occasions while I was in and out of the barn doing chores.  I was on the phone talking to a friend and I was not really paying attention to him... it wont happen again. He didn't hurt me, but he sure as heck scared me.

One of our outside cats, Zeke a Russian Blue is quite at home amongst the chickens. He is one of our three Russian Blues that live "in" the barn.  

I love Lucy!

We are collecting 80 to 90 eggs per week at this time, this makes me happy and helps provide eggs to the families we are committed to selling to. 

Rebel with unrelenting commitment continues on those eggs. She refuses to get up for anything at all - food, pooping, stretching her legs - nothing.  Hopefully in about two or so weeks, we will have some peeps!

Shared at: Debrah Jeans Farm Girl Blog Hop

Farmchicks Farm Photo Friday


  1. What a beautiful flock!

    I had a Rhode Island Red rooster that was aggressive with me only once. I chased him around the chicken run until I was able to snatch him up. I held him close, looked him in the eye and gave him the what-fers and told him that if he was smart he would not mess with the hands that feed him, lol! From that moment on, he kept his eye on me but never made a move. True story! Maybe you should try it, lol!

    I can't WAIT until our girls are laying. Less than 3 months now... the should also be laying around the same time!

    1. LOL. Perhaps I will try this! I do need to do something, sometimes we will go stretches and he does nothing.. then .. bam out of no where he 'attacks' me. Excited for you and your forth coming eggs!

  2. I can see why you like taking pictures of your flock. They are gorgeous subjects :)

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. I followed your link here and fell in love with your chickens! My hubby and I have a few cows and a donkey and it seems I'm always taking pictures of them. Love the critters! =)

  4. My Naughty Rooster Boy is not being nice right now. That's an impressive amount of eggs you're getting.

  5. Hi Lynnie,
    I love seeing images of your beautiful flock, even the mean Mr. Baggins. He looks so elegant and proud. I love how Rebel is still keeping to those eggs. I can't imagine having SO many eggs, that's fantastic. I hope you have baby pics soon... Chicks are so fuzzy and cute. Have a great weekend. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Gorgeous photos...Love your Russian Blue, they are such gorgeous cats...Yay @ having customers for all those lovely eggs...I am still building up my customer base for mine.

    Blessings Kelsie

  7. You have a beautiful flock. We only have 5,but I love watching them .Can't wait to see pictures of the new chicks.

  8. Love your chicken photos! Thanks so much for linking up at The Ole' Saturday Homesteading Trading Post! Your chickens are just absolutely beautiful!


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