Tuesday, February 14

*love is...

Happy Valentine's Day to all of you, may each of you know the depths of His (God of Heaven and Earth) great love for YOU!  Today Sarah Elizabeth over at oh, restless bird , has given me permission to share her "Love Is" series with you all. If you have the time to read just a bit, I encourage you to check out what she shares from her heart  about Love based on I Corinthians 13:4-7.

 Here is what she has to say:

I had the idea of posting a different aspect, or thought on love every day for the next 14 days. Befitting is it not? It is February...and there in lies Valentine's Day! I cannot wait to explore the aspects of love, that are found within the Scriptures with you all! (1 Corinthians 13:4-7)

I would love for you all to be involved in commenting and sharing what you have to say on the aspects of love, as well as the thoughts that I hope to share with you over the next two weeks.

 The image below will take you to Sarah's blog post with the links to each aspect of love that she has written about.  Go ahead, click it! I do hope you enjoy this. Happy Valentines Day to each of you!


1 comment:

I enjoy your comments. Thanks for taking the time to post your thoughts!