Thursday, March 15

*spring cleaning

Yes that is Little Red, up on the hay roll.. laying an egg...
Today's spring cleaning started in the barn, but I have already started spring cleaning in the house too! Just this past week I cleaned out a few closets, mind you we have only been in this house for one year. In just one year of not knowing right where you want to put things, all sorts of odds and ends can end up in space that is not used regularly. The barn is a different story.

I can always count on the girls (and Husan our rooster) to help clean things up!

When we first moved in I made judgement about the previous owners and how they neglected the barn. I know, I know - it is just a barn. I do realize this, but I prayed for this barn so it is more than just a barn to me, it is a gift from God himself. Anyway, sorry, back to my story... I made judgement based on some obvious neglect as well as the cobwebs everywhere. Um, we power wash the barn every 6 months - cobwebs are every where both times we have power washed. So perhaps I was a bit hasty in my judgement. I am grateful for the spiders as they eat unwanted bugs and if the spiders get low enough to the ground the chicks eat them, so it all works out good.

Today was cleaning day in the barn. We are soon to be getting our Nubian buck so a bit of reorganization is called for. While I was cleaning up today I opened the Chick Inn door and allowed the chickens free range of the inside of the barn today. We do not allow this on a regular basis, because they make new nest, new hidden nest and I have to play egg hunt. I don't like to play egg hunt. On the occasion that calls for the extra help cleaning I allow them in to pick the place clean. They are such great workers!


  1. Isn't it great to have such good helpers that earn their keep AND lay delicious eggs!

  2. Our chickens love to be outside. I let them loose around noon and will spend some time watching them from my backyard chair. They are a stress reliever- just like dogs!

    I’m following you now!

  3. Love your barn! Lucky you! And yes, the girls are great helpers in the garden!

    1. Thank you! We love it to and consider ourselves VERY blessed! Have a great week!


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