Wednesday, July 25

*toil and labor, rest and relax

There are seasons where we might find ourselves toiling and laboring but in due time we will find the freedom for rest and relaxation. It is not to say that during a time of work that we don't have any rest. I am so glad we have seasons. I am not sure I would last year round gardening as I do in late spring to early summer. Though I am always sure the labor involved is worth the harvest produced each season. For me, there is nothing quite like having 40 quart bags of creamed corn in the freezer, 10 gallon bags of corn on the cob, jars of pickles, many pounds of potatoes for the coming months, butternut squash for the fall as well as enjoying many veggies in seasons while they produce.

 Henry and I love butternut squash.  These we grew from a couple of bushes and plan to plant more in the fall.  I love that these will keep for months on the counter after you have picked them. 

 We grew these on our apple and orange trees. JUST KIDDING.  Publix provided these for us.  We do have some fruit trees, nut trees, and berry bushes planted; some of which we got fruit from this year.

 PO-TA-TOES! We love potatoes: steamed, boiled, mashed, fried, scalloped, in soup - you name it - we love them!  So.. we planted close to 100lbs and have a beautiful yield to feed our family with through the coming months! 

The strawberry plants are all sending out runners now, which only means hours of work clipping them and planting them to expand our strawberry patch. All of this will be done early fall, which will provide us with a great spring/summer strawberry harvest!  The asparagus plants had started to turn brown so we allowed some of the shoots to grow instead of picking them so the plant could be rejuvenated, they are producing wildly again.  PLANT asparagus - SUPER easy to grow.  We also have one watermelon on the vine, a pumpkin plant that is blooming but not much else grows at this time.  I have to admit it is a very welcoming break! By the time fall rolls around I, myself will be rejuvenated and ready to go again! For now, I shall rest and relax.


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