Monday, August 30

*a dream come true .. lil girl and panda quilt

Holly over at Purpose Driven Family saw a sweet quilted wall hanging which she fell in love with.  So much so that she put out a call on her blog (which can be read by clicking on the link above) to anyone who might be able to complete such a project for her children.

We are in the midst of a move, the midst of packing everything up, traveling to look at potential properties in Florida that made our list of  " must sees " and yet I  felt the call of God to raise my hand to this special opportunity.  When you have been, oh - I am not tooting my own horn here.  Just hear me on this, it is more of an encouraging word to do what you are gifted to do when given opportunity with only a few hurdles that have to be jumped.  Anyway, having been entrusted with the gift of creativity in quilting skills, I was excited to use my gifts for Him who gave them to me!

Initially it was a solicitation for sewing and quilting skills for one precious child that would soon be coming to America from China to her "forever family".   Some time later, with some suggestions of others, it was suggested that Josiah (her forever brother) should have one as well, both having been adopted into their now forever family from China.   I feel completely skilled to do this work, to labor in love over two special quilts is a true honor.  Holly and I met at a local quilt shop to make fabric selections for these special treasures.  I made some suggestions and help to guide Holly along, based on her big picture for the quilt.  She and her three children did a great job picking fabrics!  She paid for the fabric, handed it over to me and now I hand it back to her!

The piecing begins....

The laying out ...
Now onto the applique work.. more details to come...
Applique is all in place now! Next is the fun part... setting it in!

I love the tile floors in our kitchen, wonderful for setting in quilts!

The final steps have been completed! Quilting was done and as well as binding! It is such a sweet quilt! I pray that Elaina gets many years use from it!

Thanks Holly for trusting my hands to fashion a quilt for your's and Tony's little girl! (and soon one for your little boy Josiah as well!)

If you are interested in the applique patterns for this Little Girl with Panda Quilt you can request them for a small fee of $15 which will go towards Tony & Holly's adoption.  The patterns will be sent via snail mail. Check my side bar for the paypal for the patterns or private message me at creativequilter1@gmail. com


  1. Lyn-Love that quilt is adorable! I love you very much, and I am so thankful that the Lord has given me someone to love, to be my dear friend, who is so very talented with all that God has given her and is truly a blessing to me and my family!

  2. That is the cutest thing ever!!!! I love how you use your God-given talents to bless others.

    I hope all is going well with finding a home. :-)

  3. That is one... ADORABLE quilt!

  4. How did I miss this post before?!??
    I am so very blessed! adopted children will sleep under a labor of love every night. How can I say thank you??!

  5. Thanks to you all! I had a great time piecing it. I am now piecing Josiah's and almost have the top finished! Can't wait to post it too!

  6. Oh WOW! This is soooooo beautiful! Elaina will treasure it for life! Such a wonderful act of love.

  7. Came over from Holly's Facebook a gorgeous quilt!! :) LOVE it!!

  8. What a wonderfully, beautiful quilt!! It makes me feel like crying and laughing and loving and sleeping all at the same time. Thanks for sharing. :)

  9. That is so cute! Thanks for sharing it--found you through Tea Rose Home.

  10. Thanks for linking up @CountryMommaCooks. Love your quilt......hope to see ya next Saturday too:)

  11. What a cute quilt. I'm a new follower from Sunday Social and am now following you. I would love if you visited me at:



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