Thursday, October 1

*click, click, bam!

Have you ever been going along in your week just fine, and all of a sudden feel like you have just GOT to see your best girl friend the wide world?  That is just what happened to me at the beginning of this week. I dropped my darlin husband off at the airport on Monday morning and went to planning a quick trip to the mountains almost the minute he got out of the car.   It was a perfect opportunity... a week that I could visit in the mountains and not miss my sweet heart at the same time.  The only down fall, depending on who you ask, was that I had to have Henry miss school for two days.   I am picture crazy and took a total of 600 odd pictures, deleted about 200 and now have 400ish to work with.  While I wish I could share all of them with you, I am sure you couldn't care less to see all of them so here are just a few.

OK.. so I am walking down the trail BACKWARDS taking pics of some of my favorite people... and BAM! I hit a tree.. I know you all would have told me BEFORE I  hit the tree that it was coming up...

Not one of these lovely peeps told me.

 The cool thing is, I still managed to get some GREAT pics!
(these were all taken while hiking at Grandfather Mountain, NC)

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