Saturday, November 26


This, Eucharisteo, I have been learning to do more this year, has helped me realize that which has been given is enough.  I am so guilty of not giving thanks when I so often have the opportunity to do so.  I am beyond blessed in many facets of my life and I think I often take things for granted that I should otherwise be naming to our Lord, one by one and giving thanks.  After all, all GOOD things come from Him - right.  All things are allowed by His hands, so in all things we are to give thanks even those trying, heart breaking, difficult times. I have had much to write in my Eucharisteo Journal here of late.

I don't really like it when I realize I have been a bad student, and have to repent of my actions and turn away from a wrong attitude.  I want to be more mature than that, but I am human (not making excuses), I am just being real.  I have to look at the situation and CHOOSE to see the gift, so I can CHOOSE to say thanks.

So much to be thankful for. So much. I know your plate runneth over as well, if you are thinking no, you don't know my story - I would encourage you to stop where you are and SEEK out the gifts that were all along the way that your eyes did not see while in the midst of a difficult situation.  Sometimes our eyes are so set and focused on the difficulty that our vision is blurred to everything around the situation, therefore, we miss God's grace that is strewn along the way.

Most of our feast is shown in this picture except the cold dishes as well as the delicious desserts.

Turkey and Ham carving time!
Austin even got in on the merriment making and iced our 8 layer cake, it is a Smith Island Cake. DELISH!
From the oldest (Nama - My brotherinlaw's grandmother- 84) to my niece (Kierstyn, 10- Nama is her great grandmother) a delightful time was had by all. We had 20 total, 2 additional canines feasting with us on this great day!

This is our one year anniversary of living in our Florida home.  We are bursting with gratitude for this beautiful spot of Heaven on Earth.  Almost every day when Eric and I walk out to feed the animals in the evening, we give thanks. We are sometimes overwhelmed with the thought that it has been lent to us for a time by the Giver.  We are doing our best to be good stewards of this land in every way that we are able.

My Dad spending some time with his granddog, Frayja. He was in love!

Our awesome young men, minus one  :(  But we know he had a great time with his other family members.

Thanksgiving was largely celebrated at our homestead this year by many and I couldn't have been happier to have my sisters and parents all here as well as many others.  My youngest sisters' husband, Doug, is a Firefighter and he was unable to be with us due to the call of duty on this holiday weekend.   Of our other immediate family members, Skyler my nephew was missed too, while he spent the holiday with his Dad and family.

My  husband said he does not know me.... Why ever not?
Make every day a day of giving thanks - remember there are gifts lying all around!


  1. So true! When I look around at what all the Lord has blessed me with, I feel shame that I do not give him the credit or the thanks He deserves. I have been making a conscience effort these past few months to be thankful for all that I have which is above and beyond all that I need! It is a choice that is ours to make daily.

    Looks like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  2. Such a beautiful family you have, Lynnie. I am always humbled when I come here where you share of the gifts He's given and how you number by one. Oh, my sweet friend, I have a full heart and the tears are about to spill over. xo

  3. This post is beautiful. For that matter there is not a post that I can think of that you have done that isn't beautiufl. I am so grateful that the Lord has blessed you in such a way and that you do your best to share it with all that you can. Your amazing. I my friend am grateful for you and your example in many ways. ~ Trina

  4. You all are so sweet! Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment. I hope each of your celebrations were great as well! Hugs to each of you!


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