Saturday, November 5

*a new perspective

Face book. Myspace. Twitter. Buzz = Social media, what a misnomer. I have struggled (if I can say it that way) with Facebook, Myspace, Twitter and the likes for a while now. I have had an account with all at one point or another. Never really enjoying any of them, don't get me wrong, I enjoy that I was able to keep up with my cousins, my dear friends, etc.  At one point I had several hundred "friends", and when I started thinking.. OK.. I am done with this, I simply narrowed down the people that I naturally chatted with, sent messages to on a regular basis. Then one day, I simply decided that I was done with social media and closed my Facebook account yet once again.  I feel like such venues cause our culture to be the most unsocial generation ever.  WARNING: these are my opinions, feelings and thoughts on this topic.  I have to quote a wise woman in my life regarding Facebook.  These are her thoughts about such venues, she desires to know people, not know about them.  In my mind right up until last night was that FB did more harm that good. I know my thinking is limited.  We read about people, we look into their lives often them unaware - so we AREN'T socializing with them, we read things about their personal lives that perhaps they shouldn't have shared in the first place.  There are so many other examples (in my opinion) why FB is more of a hindrance to our souls than a help.

However last night, I had to step back a bit and rethink my strong opinion. I STILL don't think FB is for me, so I will remain deactivated.  However, last night my husband had to take me to the hospital ER (I am fine) and our youngest son posted on  his FB :prayer needed for my mom etc. He had people across the nation praying for me. I am grateful. He was home alone, afraid, worried, and FB helped him touch some friends & family - it played it intended part- social interactions.  He also used his phone and made a few calls, so with or without FB he would have contacted people he knew he could count on for prayer support- just sayin.

I do not judge people who have FB accounts, we are all challenged in different ways, all have different needs, strengths and weaknesses. For me, FB doesn't play a vital role in my life. I prefer to write notes, personal emails, send packages, and make phone calls to the ones I love. I prefer to be relational and FB is not my choice of method.   Maybe I am just an fuddy duddy?  Maybe. Maybe not.

 Later added:  I guess my biggest "problem" with FB is when people choose to use it to keep themselves feeling connected to other peoples lives and not interacting as they once did.  We can find out about what is going on in peoples lives and never talk to them. We no longer need to call to say hi and catch up because FB has done that for us.  Again, my limited opinion. 


  1. I started using facebook as a sort of mass e-mail for my family and friends. A place to share photos and such, but have kept the personal stuff off FB. Since I started blogging, I rarely post on FB, and my family seems to use it for the games alone.

    Blogging is social networking too ;)
    But I think it is a bit different in that it connects us with people the world over who have like interests (photography for us). My friends and family like my pictures, but don't share my love for photography. I really enjoy and appreciate my interactions with my fellow bloggers. And I am happy to report that I have met some wonderful people here.

    I hope you'll continue to blog :)

  2. Tammy, you are totally right. I have never really looked at blogging as a social media but it is! WOW. See I told you all my thinking was limited. Thanks for pointing that out. I do plan to continue blogging for now. I have made a number of friendships in the blogging world, which I have taken further than just reading their post.

  3. I like this post; I can totally relate to what you've said here. I have had a on and off again relationship with FB for a while now. I found myself checking it all throughout the day. I used it for about a year and then totally disgusted with the amount of time I wasted on it - deactivated it at the beginning of this year...I have just signed up with a new account a few days ago because I don't have time to visit all the homeschooling sites for resources, but with FB, I can see when they've posted something that I'm interested in reading and visit them.

    I'm not sure how long I will leave my FB activated...but I do know that if I feel I'm wasting too much time there, I know I'll have to back away from it again.


I enjoy your comments. Thanks for taking the time to post your thoughts!