Wednesday, November 2

*an unlikely friendship

You know those cartoons you see where the cat's are always after the birds? Well, I suppose our cats and our neighbor's cats are just way too domesticated.  This is a common occurrence in the chicken coop here at Erilyn! Our next door neighbor has a cat that practically lives inside the chicken coop as well.  Zeke is one of the sweetest cats you can ever meet. He means no harm to anything, least of all a ripe mouse.   When we go out to make sure the hens are all inside the coop before we lock the doors, we have to make sure Zeke is not locked in too.  Isn't he adorable?


  1. Too funny! He is such a pretty gray color and probably fascinated with his feathered friends!

  2. that is funny. I always thought the cats would eat the chickens.

  3. Very cute -- I do like a cat that knows what to do with a ripe mouse though :)


  4. He is very cute!

    (my husband and I have searched high and low for a Russian luck finding one anywhere)


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