Thursday, December 15

*finished with 10 days to spare...

I am super happy to report to you lovely readers that I successfully completed the Seashore Quilt today and it will be lovingly packed up tomorrow and sent off in the mail.  It has been a while since I started a quilt, from scratch and finished it in this record time, so you can imagine how excited I am with myself!

In the last year or so I have started leaving a heart here or there in the quilts I make and give away. Sometimes they are easy to find, sometimes they are hidden. 

I have had several people to ask if there is a pattern for this particular quilt, and the answer is yes --- in my head! I know many of you quilters out there do the same thing.

So I did get it finished before Christmas, with 10 days to go! What have you finished recently or what are you working to get finished?

shared at:


  1. I love how you use your talents to bless others!! I have my Lynette talent displayed on my couch :)

  2. Oh What a beautiful quilt! The saying reminds me of one of my favorites - "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain."

  3. OH Trina, I am so glad you are enjoying the quilt made just for you! I love you.

    Yes, Joanie, that is a good quote! Merry Christmas to you all!

  4. This is beautiful! Love the quote and I LOVE all the colors!

  5. This is so beautiful!

    kateri @

  6. Thanks Marissa and Kateri! I am not totally happy with the background colors I chose.. a couple of them are a bit yelllowy.. and not off white like the majority.. all in all I am happy with the quilt! I know my dear friend is going to love it now matter!

  7. That is one beautiful quilt! I love the idea of using the fussy cuts in the star centers. The quote is perfect.

  8. An incredible quilt. :) I just love it so much. Lucky person to get it!

  9. It's so lovely and finished. I'm not good at finished. If you get the pattern out of your head and own paper, I would buy a copy...grin.

  10. Such a lovely quilt, love the backing fabric. Reminds me of the song Til the Storm Passes By.


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