Monday, December 12

*scenic Sunday

Scenic Sunday crept up on me again!   This past week Henry has been working on his annual Candy House Creation, though this year it was a Candy Mansion which has taken more time, more candy, more creativity, more cleaning - you get the picture!  Munchkin, aka Munchie, had a front row seat to the sweet action that was taking place during the construction of sweets.  About 4 years ago our oldest son, Robby saved Munchkin and brought him to our house to live. Robby deployed for a period of time and was going to get Munchkin when he got back. Well, he grew on us and more than a year passed before Robby could take him to live with him, so needless to say we just couldn't let him go. Is that mean? Of course, on certain days when Munch can't seem to keep his mouth shut we wish we had given him over to Robby.  He truly is delightful, he just has a loud mouth when he is hungry, or feeling alone. 

Here is a close up of his "fangs". 

I think here he must be thinking, something along the lines of, um when is snack time?
We have 6 Russian Blues and this one black cat. We never thought we would deviate from the Russian Blue breed once we got started with them, and although we didn't "choose" this cat we are so glad he came to live with us. He does bring us a lot of enjoyment along the way. (Candy Mansion pictures coming soon!) Have a super week!

1 comment:

  1. I somehow missed this post. Munchkin is a very pretty cat!
    I can't get over the little fangs.


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