Friday, December 2

*on the road to recovery

Many of our feathered friends are molting.  Molting can be a difficult thing if you have roosters in the mix.  So, we have come to "Red's" rescue with a custom fit chicken saddle to protect her back while her feathers grow in.

For some reason the Rhode Island Red's have not been a favorite among the other chickens and too much of a favorite to the roosters, if you get my drift.  They have to put up with being pecked on the roost at night by the other hens and literally have to run often during the day to stay away from the roosters.

This is my spin on a hen saddle, and I will be stitching up more for the other hens who are in the molting process as well.  "Red" is the only one who has marks on her back from the roosters, so she was in dire need of this protection.

  You have heard of  Star Bellied Sneeches... now meet the Star Backed Chick!

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  1. Lynette, you are so amazing. Your animals are VERY well cared for. Trina

  2. I love it! I might need the pattern or some directions to make hen saddles for when our girls get bigger since it seems we may have a rooster in the bunch!

    Great job! I'm sure Red is thanking you!

  3. You are a good hen caretaker to make the saddles! I learned something about chicken I never knew.

  4. LOVE it! You are a good coopkeeper, Lynnie.

  5. Poor Red. Glad you are so thoughtful and caring to help her out. That is a cute little saddle!

  6. We are Sneeches fans here!! Red has her star upon thars! Too sweet Lynnie!

  7. I love the saddles!! Our R.I. Reds are really rode alot by our rooster. The other breeds don't seem to be bothered by their roosters. You really care for your chicks. Thank you for visiting my blog and commenting. I rub Vaseline on the turkey's combs when the temps drop really low. My Bourbon Reds do not going inside and will roost outside their roosting house even in sleet. I have to go out and lock them inside so they won't come back out.

  8. Good thing you were there to give her a saddle. I had a hen once I had to constantly keep sprayed with Blu-Kote to keep the rooster off her.

  9. She's too cute with her custom made saddle. Thank you for sharing.

  10. What a great post! Thank you so much for linking up to our blog hop! You are one talented lady and I am looking forward to following your blog.

  11. She is just way too cute and fashionable. My BFF Michelle has GOT to see this post for her hen gals... I love your little fashion show. It looks like Red really does know how cute she IS wearing her hen saddle. You're a good hen mama! Thank you.


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