Wednesday, December 28

*year in review

January was our (mine and Henry's - Eric was still in NC) first real month in Florida.  Before heading back to Florida I took a whirlwind trip to NC to visit my best friend. Then after getting to Florida, my sisters and mother came for a visit. A few weeks later momma moved an RV onto our property.

February we added chickens to our new homestead as well as rabbits.  We had our first visit in this home from Eric's parents on this month.

March is spring break time and our house is usually full during those days.  Summit, Henry's best friend flew in from Colorado for the break and a week or so later Kierstyn  and Austin arrived for their spring break.

Near the end of March first of April we planted our first garden on this land.  We were busy to say the very least. 

 The first of May we put our first Beehive onto our property, built our monster Chick-Inn Coop for our maturing chickens.  It is now summer, so by May's end the niece and nephews showed up again. Eric put NC behind him and headed to FL permanently.

Momma was here off and on over the past few months. This is June, welcome to heavy harvest time! We sliced, battered, froze, canned and ate fresh harvest from the bounty of our gardens! Momma was truly invaluable to our homestead during this time.

July brought Kierstyn back to NW Florida for several more weeks stay before her school started up again in August. We harvested our first honey after only having the hive for a short time. We harvested a total of 50lbs of honey and left a full hive for the bees to live off of over the winter months.

August brought me a breath of fresh air. I was able to settle down for a bit and just be.  I got some quilting and sewing of different sorts in during this month.

September was also a good laid back month, although we did plant some fall/winter crops during this month. 

In October we had a cookout at our house for the lovely people from Eric's office, it was nice to host! Eric's folks made a quick trip over to visit too! We picked winter squash throughout the month! OH, and our house in NC SOLD!!

November brought with it much joy! Our home was full all month long and it was really fantastic. Franziska had a willy nilly idea, she decided one evening that she was driving down for a visit and got up the next morning and did it!  This was the first time we have ever had all of my family at one of our homes for a holiday.  All were present for Thanksgiving except one of my brotherinlaws and one nephew, they were both missed.

The December month started out with a visit from 4 lovely ladies (2 being my sisters) the very first weekend in December.  We went to a Beth Moore Conference and then a few days later our oldest son deployed for 3 months.  During the Christmas holiday's we had Austin and Kierstyn back for during their Winter Break. We finished up the Christmas holiday with my sister Lori and her husband, Mark here at our home.  

I am exhausted after reviewing the past year in pictures.  It has been a full year in so many ways.  This has been the first year in our "new" normal here in Florida. We look forward to what God has in store for us in the coming year!  Happy New Year to each of you and yours!


  1. "September" will always be very special to me. A gift I will treasure for many years to come. Hey, in October, over on the wall it looks like you have a green brassiere hanging?? Your getting mighty adventureous my friend. jk. Im sure it is something else but that sure is what I thought it was when I looked at your pictures. As I review my year, Im grateful it included you. ~Trina

  2. HAHA! I have to agree with you it does look like a green bra doesn't it? It is actually a green leaf like letter holder! I am glad my life has included you!

  3. What a great post Lynette! Come visit me -- I have something for YOU :)


  4. I love it when new friends stop by and visit...thank's so much fun to meet and greet new lady friends...Have a happy new year....and hope you'll stop and visit again.

  5. Awesome year in review! I loved it & best of all I loved that we are included in the most awesome family ever. Proud to have known you for more than 21 years and counting! You know Midstate Financial Services was just a job and yes, we got paid but the best thing I got from that job was Y-O-U! Here's to 2012!

  6. What a lovely way to do a year in review! Happy New Year to you and best wishes for another joy and peace filled year.

  7. Thanks so much for sharing your year in pictures. Wow, you've been busy. I am so happy for you and your family. It looks like you have settled into Florida nicely. Here's to an even better 2012.


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