Friday, December 16

*pay it forward

Albeit the timing of the year may not be the best for everyone else, I have decided that I will do this wonderful bit of fun. Who doesn't love a surprise parcel? I know I do.

Unless it's a bill or something like that. So here is what I am promising... I will send a surprise gift to the first three people to comment on this post. This gift will be made by me and I will send it sometime within the next year. Exactly when you will receive it will be a surprise (it will probably be a surprise to me too :-D).

Of course there are some rules in this game. Here it goes:

1. I will make a little something for the first 3 people that comment on this post. It will be a surprise and may arrive at any time in the next 365 days (yes, a year).

2. To sign up to receive a gift from me you must play along too. Share the giving love on your blog by promising to send a handmade goodie to the first three people that comment on your blog post.

3. You must have a blog.

4. After commenting on my post, you have to post this (or similar) on your blog to spread the love. If you haven't posted in 48 hours then the next commentor will be chosen.

I don't know if three people will even get around to commenting on this, but I will say that if you find this post 6 months from now and only 2 people have left a comment, you can still be commenter #3 and get a random goodie from me! When you comment, I'll email you and get your address and then you will get something from me sometime before December 2012!

Merry Christmas to you every day!


  1. Count me in. Selfishly of course, to a degree. Challenged to post again ASAP as well as put my hand to creativity. ~Trina

  2. I would love to do a pay it forward.I have seen this challenge brfore but never done one before. I think it will be fun. I will try to do the posting asp.

  3. Thanks for pointing me to your blog. I love this idea of paying it forward count me in. I'll write a post and link to it.


I enjoy your comments. Thanks for taking the time to post your thoughts!