Friday, December 23

*scenic Sunday on Friday

I like all of you will likely be far from my computer on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, and I know that I CAN go without posting a Scenic Sunday but I have some great pictures to share, so with that having been said, I present you with scenic Sunday on Friday!

 This is Starlight, isn't she majestic? So beautiful, sweet and demure. 

She even looks majestic when she is kicking up some dust.

 But, Kierstyn and I both decided she was MUCH prettier when she kept her mouth shut.

 I am not sure if she was tired or if she thought something was really funny.

Come on over the Farmchicks Farm Photo Friday, I shared this today at Farm Photo Friday..

Farmchicks Farm Photo Friday


  1. She's beautiful! She does look totally different with her mouth open! Then again,I guess we all do!

    I hope you & yours have a very Merry CHRISTmas!

  2. Terrific series of photos! Love the laughing horse!

  3. That ther is funny (with biggest, bestest redneck draw possible)~Trina

  4. What cute herd of Mini' and donkey :-)

  5. Those yawning pictures are too funny. She is a beautiful girl!


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