Tuesday, August 18

OK, so its not Heaven...

Two Janome's under one roof!? Woo Who.. we must be in Heaven! When my BFF arrives for a visit, rest assured Janome is in tow. The same goes for me; when I travel to the mountains to visit her, mine is also in the mix! We have really been blessed in that our trips are long enough to have some creative sewing time! This past visit she and I worked diligently on learning the Kaleidoscope Quilt pattern.

I love this picture.. it tells a story... a story of confusion! She was getting ready to cut some triangles for the Kaleidoscope pattern and wasn't all to sure that she knew what she was supposed to do.

Our kids, once again, had a super time hanging out together. Henry is very proud to have two "sisters" to claim as his own. I look at their lives and find myself being so very grateful that they have each other to mesh with, to grow with over the years and to challenge each other in areas of their lives.

OK, so its not Heaven, but when I am afforded the time to visit with my BFF and her girls (aka my girls), I am so very grateful with a heart full of peace and contentment! Happy Sewing to you.

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful blog you have! Thanks for dropping by to make a guess on my first egg, I'm waiting with excitement!


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