Tuesday, June 15

*may flowers indeed

I love the deep pinks and strong yellow orange flowers blooming alongside each other.

These beautiful pink flowers are some that I got from my friend Cheryl many years ago. I have them growing in several places around the back yard.  Just beyond them you see some of the ferns that have been brought up from the wood line of our property. The two greens contrasting against each other create such interest, don't you think?

When Franziska's mother and father moved from the area she left behind two planters of clematis. Oh.. so beautiful in the spring and fall as well.  (these pictures were all taken in the month of May)

What is blooming in your gardens?

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Lynnie, for stopping by and leaving me such a sweet comment about my zinnia picture.

    I enjoyed all of these beautiful May flowers that you've posted today. I especially like the contrast of the shades of green in the second picture. I love Clematis, but I don't have a single one planted anywhere here. I think that will be my project for next year. Love the color of yours.


I enjoy your comments. Thanks for taking the time to post your thoughts!