Wednesday, November 11

*taken by surprise

Sewing purses on this delightful rainy Veterans Day!  Thanks to all who have served over the years to present day.  

Some are similar to the Swing Bag Pattern by Amy Butler and others are simple straight lines.
I am once again preparing for a Bazaar that will take place this weekend. The funny thing is.. I thought I had a couple of weeks to recover from the last one and get prepared for this one.  In fact, I did have  just two weeks, however my recovery took a full week and I suppose I was thinking time stood still.  It DID NOT.  I was just talking to Karen, the lovely lady who is in charge of the bazaar for this weekend, and she said I will see you on Saturday.  You can only imagine my surprise and mmm shock when I realized that this Saturday was the day marked on my calendar as the Fall Bazaar with GRACE. Does time ever get away from you like this?  So today, while it rains and while my hubby and son play some games together - I will sew. Happily, I will listen to music and sew!

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